Re: META: what is verbal abuse, anyway? (Caution: foul languageahead/ not wo...

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Wed Dec 12 2001 - 16:27:08 MST

Eliezer wrote:

>Invective should be creative and should center around mental imagery
>rather than leaning on the impact of forbidden words. For example: "You
>slime-blooded two-faced son of a garden slug, if you don't stop arguing ad
>hominem, I'm going to rip out your useless cerebrum and wear it as a hat."

What I don't seem to understand is why any derogatory comments are even
necessary. Generally, when I write a post, I usually have something
productive to say (that, or something humorous). I don't see any good
reason for the use of terms which are easily interpreted as offensive. I
further think that people of reasonable (or in the case of this list,
generally high) intelligence do themselves a disservice by resorting to ad
hominem or derogatory language. Period. Unless one is making a point
about such language itself, I find the above (and all of the other "foul"
language lately) completely unnecessary.

I would hope that most list members find much more productive things to
discuss than various forms of insults.

E. Shaun Russell Operations Officer, Extropy Institute
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