Re: "Cloning Breakthrough" not one

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Tue Nov 27 2001 - 17:34:39 MST

> > Attacking a _profession_ is fair game, because people choose their
> > professions, and are therefore rightly judged by those choices.
> > A medical ethicist is someone who has willfully chosen as a profession
> > to increase death and suffering in the world.
> It may be fair game to attack professions, but I find it rather hard to
> believe that medical ethicists see as their aim to increase death and
> suffering. Yes, you may think they as a profession increase them in the
> world (which is also debatable), but making claims about their
> individual motivations is rather extreme. Any evidence?

I'm not saying that their direct motives are to increase suffering; I'm
saying that the _rationally expectable consequences_ of many of their
actions, do, in fact, increase suffering. People should not be judged
by their motives: they should be judged by what a rational person could
predict would be the likely consequences of their actions. I'm sure
some of them occasionally fall upon doing the right thing, like making
sure a patient is fully informed and gives consent. But what I see
most of them doing is putting blocks in the way of people acting with
the unanimous consent of all involved; and a rational person can see
that that can have no positive benefit to anyone.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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