Re: The E-Bomb

From: Robert Coyote (
Date: Fri Nov 09 2001 - 11:46:24 MST

ok now I want one!
send the plans at least =]

: > Hey Mike L, why don't you re-tell your HERF gun story?
: Yeah, okay:
: I was a low rank dweeb in the USAF, working as an electrician on fighter
: jets (F-15s) when I came across a funny little book at a mall in Tacoma
: by a fellow named Thomas Pawlicki titled "Build your own UFO". Thomas
: lived up in Victoria, BC, so on sightseeing trip up there, I looked him
: up to ask some questions about his writing. As a result, he clued me
: onto a bunch of US patents by various people like TT Brown, Alexander de
: Severski, etc which I found interesting but not entirely convincing.
: This was the late 80's and I'd always had a lighthearted interest in
: UFOs and the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Goode's "Above Top
: Secret" had come out and all the talk about the Majestic 12 and Area 51
: and Roswell was coming out and had not been debunked at all. I knew
: several fellows who had previously served in Area 51 who said they'd
: seen stuff there that made the stealth fighter look like a WWI biplane.
: Anyways, as a result of all this, I got interested in playing with very
: high voltage devices. I built an HV power supply that generated 150,000
: volts and a model of de Severski's 'Ionocraft' which I powered by
: umbilical cord with the HV power supply, and was able to make it fly
: around the barracks to the amazement of others (high enough to not be
: ground effect, but only a few feet when the weight of the umbilical
: exceeded the thrust of the ionocraft.)
: I obtained a copy of Information Ulimited's publication "Phazers,
: Lasers, and other Space Age Devices" (where I had obtained the plans for
: the HV power supply), which also had plans for a herf generator of
: rather tame capacity. I took their plans and essentially scaled things
: up a bit based on some tricks I'd learned are used in military radar
: jammers (which I'd once witnessed had spectacularly fried the radar gun
: of an MP who wasn't thinking things through in trying to clock an F-15
: flying overhead).
: I obtained some surplus equipment from Boeing Surplus Co. (a very cool
: place to shop, south of Seattle) in the order of some thermos sized
: charge capacitors and a large directional radio horn that is essentially
: a larger version of what you find in a radar detector. I bought a bunch
: of surplus radar detectors, hand held radios, and other cheap electronic
: devices to use as my 'crash test dummies'.
: Eventually I got it set up to discharge a nice herf beam in a loci away
: from the horn a hundred or so yards in length, and set up to do so upon
: triggering by a radar detector getting a full strength signal from a
: cop's radar gun.
: At this time, I installed the setup in the back of my pickup truck. I
: had a canopy top on the bed, with a plexiglass window in the back,
: through which the device would shoot its herf beam directly backwards. I
: went out for a drive on some back country New Mexico roads (I had been
: transferred to Cannon AFB since I started the project) trolling for
: speed traps. I picked a cop up on my tail, he nailed me with his radar,
: whereupon all of the electronics in his car, including the engine
: control computer and his radios, fried, and he just kinda puttered out
: and pulled over as I sped off into the sunset.

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