PARTY! CryoFeast 2001 - 6 locations!

From: Natasha Vita-More (
Date: Sat Nov 03 2001 - 23:44:52 MST

Alcor Foundation CRYOFEAST 2001 PARTY

6 - Locations:  December 1st and 2nd


Cryonicists, Extropians and other Transhumanists, Futurists, Life-Extension Activists, Technosavvy Dreamers and Those Who Dare are all welcome to participate in the Gala CryoFeast 2001 Party.

While others may be a little behind the times in giving thanks for the harvest; we cryonicists are giving thanks for the technologies that may help us to live healthfully and indefinitely.

In honor of the Alcor Foundation -- which has been a head starter in biostasis and which has ushered in a culture of superlongevity enthusiasts, we are opening our doors for delicious potluck dinners and high-spirited toasts!  In the tradition of the Annual Alcor Foundation Cryofeast party, the 6 locations will be celebrating superlongevity and the overcoming of disease. This year's CryoFeasts are located in Southern California, Northern California, Pacific Northwest, East Coast, Southwest, and Southwest Coast. (Pleas see below for Co-Hosts and locations.)

The CryoFeast 2001 celebration reflects the thanksgiving sentiment by thanking each of us, and all of us, who have been torch bearers in the valiant effort to overcome disease and the effrontery of death.  Each person who supports the overthrowing of disease to replace it with healthier, extended life is thanked for being in on the winning effort -- the effort of individuals who respect themselves and their lives enough to fight for long life. 



** West  Coast - Southern  California  —  Natasha Vita-More  
Sunday  December 2nd   3:00 - 7:30
4201 Via Marina J-69  Marina Del Rey  CA  90292 
310 306 3129

** East Coast — Lisa Lock
Saturday  December  1st   5:00 - until 
Wilmington  Delaware   [location to be determined] 

** Pacific Northwest Coast — Richard Gillmann  
Saturday   December 1st   2:00 - until
4150 - 187th Ave SE    Issaquah  WA   98027  
425 641 5136

** Southeast Coast — Gary Hirst
Sunday  December 2nd   1:00 - 5:00
1241 Tadsworth Terrace   Heathrow   FL   32746

** West Coast - Northern California — Tim Freeman  Jane Zhu
Sunday  December  2nd   4:00 - until
381 North Fernwood Circle  Sunnyvale   CA 94086

** Southwest - Phoenix  Arizona — Judy Muhlestein  Mark Muhlestein
[Date/Time/Location to be announced]

Schedule for Southern California (LA):

3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Pass The Ice Bucket! Join us for a cryonics meeting and voice your own creative and insightful ideas about cryonics for a 3-10 minute oratory and then pass the ice bucket on to someone else.

4:00 - 7:00 Eat, drink and be merry Pot Luck dinner. Bring your favorite delicious dishes. Parking Lot is adjacent to our townhouse at the corner of Via Marina and Marquesas, with signs up guiding you here.

Attractions: Books by Alcor members, videos, and more.  And, for those of you who would rather expand your brain than your belly, we have books from some of our favorite authors.

I welcome all to attend my home in Los Angeles or other Co-Hosted CryoFeasts honoring Alcor Life Extension Foundation.  For more information re Co-Hosted CryoFeasts 2001: contact me. For more information about Alcor and cryonics, please visit Alcor's Web site:

An eternal life to All --

Natasha Vita-More

"I'd rather be inebriated on a classic life than a 1996 classic Merlot."

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