Re: Tolerance strategies (was: Two Essays on the violence...)

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Oct 27 2001 - 04:30:59 MDT

Mike Lorrey wrote:
> Samantha Atkins wrote:
> >
> > Mike Lorrey wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Well, we could start by renaming the DoD as the Department of
> > > Retaliation.
> > >
> > > Next, adjust our military Code of Conduct to allow flexibility in action
> > > that is determined by the action of those who attack us. If you obey the
> > > Classical Laws of War, we operate in similar fashion. If you obey
> > > ComIntern tactics of Insurgency, Infiltration, Subversion, AgitProp, and
> > > Terrorism, we use the same tactics against your own home front. Under no
> > > conditions do we initiate force using the lowest common denominator, we
> > > always initiate at the highest standard of behavior until the enemy
> > > proves otherwise inclined.
> > >
> > > On that line, we get rid of pollyannish restrictions on doing dirty
> > > deeds in the dark in all circumstances. We let the circumstances
> > > determine the tactics. By operating externally in such a fashion, we
> > > create an incentive for others to operate at the highest standard of
> > > conduct.
> >
> > Excuse me but part of what got us into this mess is considering
> > such restrictions "pollyannish" in practice and doing more than
> > a few dirty deeds around the world. We have not been above
> > initiating the dirty deed either.
> When I hear such whines, I am reminded of the situation in Lebanon in
> the early 1980's. Several dozen Americans were held hostage by Hezbollah
> and Islamic Jihad. They tried to do the same to some Soviet citizens.

Whines??? You are being a dishonest asshole. I am done talking
to you.


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