Re: Apocalypse Pretty Soon

From: Doug Jones (
Date: Sat Sep 15 2001 - 16:39:59 MDT

"J. R. Molloy" wrote:
> From: "Charlie Stross" <>
> > I was using Hitler -- a noted political fanatic -- as a
> > reference point when discussing another bunch of fanatics.
> As I said, the thread is dead.
> You might already know about the Hitler rule in debate, which seems
> to crop up most in online conversation. The rule is that bringing
> Hitler into any subject automatically kills the exchange, because
> comparing people or their practices to Hitler('s) means the bottom
> of the rhetoric barrel has been scraped:
> "Hitler was a vegetarian, therefore all decent people eat meat."

Molloy, you have consistently posted shallow, irrational, and irrelevant
drivel, while on the contrary, Charlie has shown intelligence,
compassion, positivism, and skill, quoted Godwin's law accurately, and
has generally outwitted you at every turn. How about you go ahead and
plonk me, too?

Doug Jones

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