Re: Attack on Civilized World

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Fri Sep 14 2001 - 22:08:16 MDT

Christian Szegedy wrote:
> > With the recent integration of eastern european nations into NATO, this
> > will also prove a great opportunity for the newly democratic nations to
> > forge new martial traditions, to earn the respect and gratitude of all
> > freedom loving peoples, and to demonstrate a determined commitment to
> > freedom in the crucible of conflict that I think we are going to see
> > over the next several years.
> I can't believe that this is on the extropian list.

Why not? It is actually very good news that so many countries
are pulling together to stop insanities like that which occurred
on Tuesday.

> > with european countries and cultures, and I'm sure that many europeans
> > are similarly proud of having this opportunity to come to our assistance
> > in the way that we have done for them in the past. For this, I thank
> > every european and citizen of a NATO country on the list.
> Don't thank me. It was not me who decided to assist in kicking
> the ass of one of the poorest and misarable country on earth.

Who said we are going to do that? And how exactly do you think
they got so poor and miserable? Could it have something to do
with the extremist fanatic government that is running them into
the Stone Age all by itself?

> I am afraid.
> I have seen a lot of very intelligent and cool headed reaction on the
> list yesterday. What I see today is a lot of nationalist and
> bloodthursty PR. Some want to die for ideas, some are begging for war
> and thank to all Europians to assist. And all this is on the
> extropian list. I don't want to imagine the reaction of the masses...

No one begs for war. But it is good to admit when war has
effectively been declared on you and you are under attack and to
act accordingly. Anything less would be illogical and
suicidal. Such would definitely not be at all extropic.

> Don't misunderstand me. I was shocked by attack from the very first
> minute. I spent a wonderfull evening on the top of the WTC last
> summer, so I could visualize and imagine the extent and cruelty
> of the events. I was thinking over and over again: how could they
> do it? How is it possible? Why could not USA stop them? I am also
> angry.
> But I think revenge leads only to spiralling violence and sorrow.

And doing nothing at all leads to what? Not hunting down and
destroying the perps does what?

> I am afraid.
> American only know that they must hit somebody.
> And that they must hit hard.
> But, They don't know who.

Yes, we do. We must hit bin Laden and his organization hard.
He declared war on us many years ago and we never took him
seriously. Whether he was the mastermind behind Tuesday or not,
he is our sworn and active enemy. We must do the same for any
other major terrorist groups that targets us. And woe be to any
who try to forceably oppose our doing so.
> The result will be that they will kill a lot of innocent people
> for an idea. Only because they don't want to seem weak.

Incorrect. We will kill those who have sworn to kill us and who
have now delivered bigtime on their committment before they can
deliver more of the same and worse.

Perhaps you don't want the responsibility of acting strongly.

> It can only go wrong.

> NATO will kill at least 10000 innocent people, women and children
> in Kabul.

Who says we are going to Kabul particularly? We will not kill
innocents just to kill someone. Any innocents that get killed
will be either accidental or directly a consequence of their
governments actions.
> Of course it is easy. It will be even good for the economy.
> American and European people will cheer and USA will reelect Bush.

No we won't. The man has no fire and even less intelligence.
> On the other hand, it will generate a lot of people in afghanistan
> who have lost their families, their houses, everything.
> A lot of people who have nothing to loose. Some million potential
> terrorist.

They should have thought of this before sheltering bin Laden and
before setting up a government that would lead them to ruin.
> Do you really believe that this is the proper way you to eliminate
> terrorism

I don't think there are any better choices. If you do then
please offer them.

- samantha

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