Re: Rebuild the World Trade Center

From: Olga Bourlin (
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 19:00:28 MDT

From: "Russell Blackford" <>

> Miriam said
> >Wouldn't it make more sense to build something like a park that can
> >symbolise peace and commemorate the destruction there without being a
> >future target?
> Look, I'm doing my best to suppress my own irrational fantasies of massive
> retaliation. But there are limits to the milk of human kindness and
> peaceableness (which everyone here knows I'm usually a proponent of).
> Since we can't actually respond by nuking the bastards who masterminded
> this, or who provided aid or comfort, I at least want to see the US build
> the equivalent of two huge fingers sticking up into the heavens.
Or ONE huge finger with a couple of smaller curled fingers on the side ...
you know?

(My sarcasm is returning ... I must somewhat be getting over the last couple
of days.)

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