Re: Transgression anyone?

From: Helen Fowle (
Date: Wed Aug 15 2001 - 04:40:08 MDT

Boundaries and institutions do tend to shift I agree, but there are some traditional institutions that do seem to be quite steadfast, such as patriarchy. Feminist criticism of the cyborg, transhuman and posthuman look to a time when gender will no longer be relevent or distinguishable, they see the cyborg as some kind of revolutionary icon. But it seems to me many on the list see becoming transhuman as a purely individual transformation - not thinking of it it in any revolutionary terms. Is this true? I supppose I'm looking at the question of individulaism versus communism, in the respect of the idea that changing one's body may not have immediate effects on society - but in the long run if everyone's doing it, then society will obviously change too.

Any thoughts? 



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