RE: Setting Space Boundaries

From: Jerry Mitchell (
Date: Sat Aug 11 2001 - 22:20:04 MDT

> writes:
> << I don't think Humanity will make it much past Mars (if that).
> Posthumanity will go for the stars, and they will either be
> smart enough to
> solve this or even smarter and not care.

> I am guessing that when Techno-Sapien surges through the
> Milky Way, she/he
> (not Ver-sorry Egan Fans), they will still refer to
> themselves as "human" or
> humanity. They may be Johhny-5 robots, or Minksy Intelligent
> Dust Motes, or
> X-Men, or radio-telepathic groups, or happy clones, or
> super-networked
> personalities, or even morons like us; or even a Heinz-57
> variety of species.
> They will still feel "human" for a long time to come. I Think.
> Mitch

Just out of curiosity, when do you think the migration to the stars will
start to take its toll on the concept of "government", as in start
fracturing into otherworldly governments and not "colonies" of existing
ones. OR will it break down totally with the singularity and wont mean squat
long before we get to the stars?

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