Re: Fred Reed - The Dave Barry of Racists

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sat Aug 04 2001 - 15:06:47 MDT

Russell Blackford wrote:
> Al Villalobos said
> >Holy Stinkin Cow, Batman! Guess I should've put on my helmet and flak
> >jacket
> >after I posted my message(Which Mr Newsrtom edited; there was a legitimate
> >question in there, the reference he flipped out about was just that,a
> >reference for my question)
> >
> >By posting that link, did you think I meant to endorse the website it was
> >on
> >and all other documents contained therein? C'mon!
> Okay, no one is saying you're a white supremacist. However, all these
> statistics show me is that a greater proportion of blacks and hispanics than
> whites find themselves in the underclass which commits most crimes (and
> whose members are most easily caught and convicted). It would be interesting
> to normalise the statistics for poverty.

Actually, according to FBI data, poverty IS a more accurate indicator of
crime propensity, however, doing some plotting of race vs income and
crime shows that blacks are more likely to commit crime at higher income
levels than whites as well.

> Anyway, this is the beginning of the argument, not the end of it. What do we
> do about social structures that contain such an underclass? What do we do
> about its racial skewing? Also, there's an argument about what *can* we do
> without violating rights, etc. Personally, I think we need to look very
> carefully at how unqualified those "rights" are if this gives us pause.

Well, my personal opinion is that education is the prime problem, and
the prime solution. The common saying among black kids today is that
'books are for whites'. That sort of racial/cultural aversion to
knowledge and learning to me seems to be the prime contributor to the
vicious cycle of poverty, crime, and hate.

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