Tracking down anonymous e-mail

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Fri Jul 13 2001 - 07:44:01 MDT

Here is a nice example follow-up for my Extro-5 speech. It describes how
anonymous e-mail was traced back to the original sender.

Harvey Newstrom <> <>
RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest  Thursday 12 July 2001  Volume 21 : Issue 50
   ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator
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Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 09:44:16 -0700
From: <>
Subject: Risks in inept election fraud
Several news outlets are reporting on the recent "No Contest" plea on June
14th by Christine Gunhus, wife of former U.S. Senator Rod Gram (Republican,
Minnesota) on criminal violations of Minnesota election code.  Here is the
posting from, which reads suspiciously like a RISKS posting ;)
The wife of a U.S. senator who unsuccessfully ran for re-election in 2000
plead "no contest" on Thursday to charges of using a pseudonym to send email
messages that disparaged her husband's Democratic rival.
Minnesota prosecutors charged Christine Gunhus, who married former
Republican senator Rod Grams after working on his campaign, with violating
state criminal laws. Grams' rival, Democratic-Farmer-Labor candidate Mike
Ciresi, had filed a complaint under the Minnesota Fair Campaign Practices
The risks of using technology you don't completely understand and that could
leak your identity are worth noting:
 * Gunhus is accused of using a Hotmail account (Katie Stevens -- to send the disparaging email messages, which talked
about how Ciresi had represented corporate polluters and anti-union
companies. But Hotmail includes an X-Originating-IP: header that shows the
IP address of the sender -- a problem if you're typing it from the opposing
campaign's computer!
 * Prosecutors say they traced the IP address back to an AT&T WorldNet user
who repeatedly used the "Katie Stevens" Hotmail account by connecting from
Gunhus' home number. (Guess they keep Caller ID logs.) Apparently the person
using the "Katie Stevens" pseudonym was smart at first, sending the mail
from a Kinko's store, but then got sloppy.
 * The email attacks included Microsoft Word attachments, which a Ciresi
aide investigated. The aide found that Word listed the document authors as
Grams staffers including -- you guessed it -- Christine Gunhus.
 * Democratic researchers reported that they found Globally Unique
Identifiers (GUIDs) in the Word documents. The GUID includes the Ethernet
MAC address. Prosecutors last August obtained a search warrant to seize
Gunhus' computer, from which they could extract the MAC address if the
Ethernet card was still the same.
Cluebot story (with links):  Public Radio story on original affidavit:

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