RE: Stossel program faces generic engineering threat

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Thu Jun 28 2001 - 13:00:15 MDT

Mike Lorrey wrote,
> Harvey, scientists are unanimous on the dangers of cometary and
> asteroidal impacts. This doesn't mean that they agree on what *causes*
> such impacts. There is, in fact, a petition signed by over 18,000
> scientists, many of whom produced the data that the UN Climate Change
> panel based its conclusions on, who are contesting the conclusions
> reached by the UN claiming that anthropogenic CO2 is the primary cause
> and that its possible to do something about it without killing off a
> large chunk of the human race and going back to a hunter gatherer
> existence.

I agree. But I don't expect children to know this. Asking children if
scientists are unanimous, or claming that they were brainwashed if they
don't know the right answer, is a bit of a stretch.

> Thats funny, cause I recall when I was in school the liberals were doing
> this sort of crap all the time.

We don't want to stoop to the same levels, do we?

Harvey Newstrom <> <>

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