Re: Stealth tech vs mobile phones

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 14:02:09 MDT

From: Chuck Kuecker <>

>Yes, but at what range? My business partner and I have "knocked
>down" car engine controllers and household electronics with 750 kW
>peak at 3 GHz, about 60 Hz rep rate, using a WWII surplus radar
>magnetron - at ranges in the sub-50 yard area. You might knock
>out the line monitors and remote operating equipment, but you sure
>are not going to pop any main feeders. And, you are going to have
>a problem is the equipment in question is housed inside a typical
>industrial building - masonry or steel walls are quite good at
>reducing the effects of directed microwaves. It's peak power that
>fries semiconductor junctions, and the peak power drops off
>awfully quick under less than ideal conditions.

Ever seen the gold canopies on a Prowler? They're not just tinted,
and rumor had them at a million bucks apiece. So the frequencies
involved would have to be blocked by such a canopy.

As to power plants and phone systems, at the frequencies used the
outside lines also become receiving antennas....

>Neat link from Eugene:

Alot of good clues on this site....

>Now all I need is some C-4...want to try one of those collapsing
>flux generators...

Yep, Winn is an interesting fellow.


Extropy Institute,
Adler Planetarium
Life Extension Foundation,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W

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