Re: Godhood vs Children

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 00:46:01 MDT

Felix Ungman wrote:

> It was good enough for my father, it has been good enough for me... :-) Seriously, if you set your standards so high that nothing but an utopia is good enough for your child, you'll never have any.

I recognize it is an emotional argument, but personally, I would
LOVE to be born into today's world (at least in 1st world
nations). Much preferrable to having been born into the
Slowness of the mid fifties.

If I really could have my pick I would be about 16 and just
entering college about now. Thinks just might move too fast to
have much input as a child in the next decade or two.

- samantha

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