Re: Norman Spinrad on THE SPIKE

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sun Jun 10 2001 - 01:03:01 MDT

Of course, Spinrad has his own cult, the grandaddy of all cults, which he writes
of in his SF novel, Deus Ex. He is apparently completely ignoring or unaware of
the fact that much of singularity theory originated in the theology of a Catholic
theologian.... does our existence incriminate his? wrote:

> In a message dated 6/4/2001 12:54:32 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Spinrad had other foolish things to say too
> but I lost
> interest and stopped reading. Out of 4 stars I give the review one and a
> half stars.
> John K Clark >>
> He did, in his ignorance, compare those who are interested in aspects of The
> Spike as similar to scientologists. No Zemu masters or 7th level Thetans
> here, no "working the cans", a different scope, altogether. I suspect that
> people like Spinrad, though talented, have ceased to monitor science and
> technology, for many years.
> Mitch

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