Re: power

From: Adrian Tymes (
Date: Fri Jun 08 2001 - 12:42:39 MDT

Leonardo Gonzalez wrote:
> How could one possibly go about revolutionizing the power industry, creating
> an inexhaustible and affordable supply of power, without getting killed by
> the oil and coal industries?

Simple. (Though not to be confused with "easy".) Find that part of
the oil and coal industry which does *not* allow its own short-term
interests (including protection of current investments) to dominate its
ethics, and acquire their assistance. This will automatically invoke
their protection, especially if you do not explicitly or implicitly
mention it to them, instead acting as if there were no danger, since to
do otherwise would raise flags that might alert the part willing to
harm you.

> Or could the project be completely open, relying on its distributed
> architecture to protect it from sabotage? Would the full anonymity of all
> researchers and developers be required to protect their lives?

This could work too. Since monoliths understand monoliths, look for
attacks on this to only go against the center (witness the suits
against Napster and the lack of suits against Napster's users), and
thus for no attacks at all if there are enough independent nodes that
could serve as a "center" that there is no identifiable, isolatable
center...though I'm not sure quite how one could easily set up
random participants with the necessary physical infrastructure, unless
one were pursuing something like low-cost DYI fusion reactors, with a
priority on maintaining a cookbook for newbies to construct their own
(with the necessary safety precautions, of course).

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