Re: Norman Spinrad on THE SPIKE

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Tue Jun 05 2001 - 08:59:36 MDT

tisdagen den 5 juni 2001 13:05 Max More wrote:
> > > 2. there are one or more central figures whose teachings
> > > or pronouncements are held in awe
> >
> > Max More and his Extropian Principles. All bow before Max's wisdom...
> Oh, right. I'm constantly being bowed to. Always having to tell my acolytes
> to straighten up in my presence. Yes, sure, not only do many people find my
> writings illuminating and useful, they also slavishly and uncritically
> absorb them undigested. Really. That must also explain the vast flow of
> income into Extropy Institute. (Enough to employ one person part-time.)

Which brings up an interesting issue: how many on this list have actually
read Max's writings? Somehow I think the list climate would be better if we
all had done that, so we would have a set of shared references (not
necessarily assumptions).

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