Re: Effing (was re: uploading and the survival hang-up)

From: John Clark (
Date: Mon Jun 04 2001 - 23:09:47 MDT

Brent Wrote:

>Do you really doubt that we will be connecting portions of our
>brains together with something like a corpus callosum and
>thereby able to eff and share subjective experiences

I am still one person, the tight integration of the two hemispheres of
my brain is what makes me be me, if your brain and mine were
somehow linked together the result would not be you or me but a third
being and neither of us would know what it's like to be the other as we
are right now. After the connection was broken I don't believe you'd be
able to accurately remember what the taste of salt was like for that third being.
In the same way if I underwent radical brain surgery and you removed half my
brain my personality would change dramatically and I don't believe I'd be able
to understand myself as I was before the operation. The only way to know
what it's like to be me is to change your brain so it's just like mine, but then
you wouldn't be you anymore so "you" still wouldn't know.

   John K Clark

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