Re: Progress: What does it mean to you?

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Mon Jun 04 2001 - 13:36:55 MDT

From: Samantha Atkins <>:

>I am not so sure that I have a lot that is uniquely me in the
>sense that it is just there and mine alone.

It may be my own personality quirk or lack of self-confidence
that seeks to find the particular niches where I think that I can
uniquely contribute the most, while deriving the most joy.

However, here's another perspective:

The sum of each of our experiences makes us who we are today,
lending to a uniqueness in both our worldview and what we each
have to offer.

(as crummy as some of those past experiences were, I would not
change an nanominute of my past because I wouldn't have learned what
I learned, to be who I am now)

>It seems to me though that going inside
>and becoming my best takes me outside and going outside I come
>up against much of the same thing as inside. The boundary

Exactly.. which makes it difficult to escape one's self, hmm?

> I am continually
>amazed to find the things I thought were uniquely mine also
>quite active and flowing through other people. The mix is
>different, which of us can best express it in various ways and
>various times differs.

Oh sure! That's one effect of knowing yourself. Once you recognize
those aspects of yourself, it becomes easy to recognize the same
'flow' in others, often unconsciously. I *like* finding people who
share my worldview and passions in all of those different mixes and

(It's one reason to visit this extropian space, yes?)


Amara Graps email:
Computational Physics vita: finger
Multiplex Answers URL:
"If you gaze for long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into
you." - -Nietzsche

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