Re: Progress: What does it mean to you?

Date: Sat Jun 02 2001 - 23:38:38 MDT

In a message dated 6/2/2001 9:49:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< I disagree that "fiction is fiction". Much SF is actually a
     projection of possible futures and an exploration of their
     implications. I would not be in a hurry to dismiss it. >>

I have lived long enough to sadly, see how little of future technology gets
to be successful. Promises by journalists, and visions by futurists, get
peddled all the time. Yet results are few and far between. I am admittedly,
cynical on this.

<<Peer reviewed scientific work does not qualify or disqualify one
    from being a futurists or attempting to address more ultimate
    questions within the context of future technology and
    possibilities. >>

Fair enough. Yet, how many physicists are publishing papers in this area?
Slim and none actually. Peer-reviewed work, at least gives me the confidence
that the theorist
is putting their reputation on the line, and that their paper is serious,
rather then the flummery spawned by new-ager, dream-thinking. I would prefer
a firm foundation under my intellectual, castle in the air.


Begging your pardon, might I non-cynically say: amen.


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