Re: vegetarianism and transhumanism

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Jun 02 2001 - 20:46:01 MDT wrote:
> At 23:19 01/06/01, Chris L. wrote:
> We
> > have invented technologies that let us sustain ourselves at
> > full
> > health without lowering ourselves to eating other creatures.
> Exactly what technologies are you referring to? Vegetarianism
> is a natural and sustainable diet that has been practised way
> before the industrial revolution. Even as a vegan the only
> supplement really required is vitamin B12 in trace amounts,
> and this is because we wash and peel vegetables these days and
> B12 is found in the "contamination" on the outside as
> vegetables.
> Of course, just like lots of extropians vegetarians may take
> extra supplements to be on the safe side.

I was vegan for 3 years. Eventually I noticed my concentration
and memory were not as good and that I was overly "mellow".
Adding seafood back in took care of most of that.

- samantha

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