RE: uploading and the survival hang-up

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Sat Jun 02 2001 - 12:19:20 MDT

Emlyn wrote,
> No, no, the person with the copy problem only has a problem with
> the concept
> of a straight copy. If there is some method for moving a
> consciousness from
> one substrate to another, I would be all for it; that's a different kettle
> of fish.

Emlyn and I seem to agree on this position. However, I am trying to think
of ways to be more clearly express myself, so that this discussion doesn't
merely repeat previous discussions without adding information.

To be clearer, I don't think anybody has a problem with copies. The
question is whether making a copy somehow makes it OK to kill the original.
For some people, like myself, the answer is still no. I want to live. The
existence of an identical person standing next to me does not diminish my
desire to live.

Those who don't mind killing the original as long as there is a copy ask the
question, "How is the copy different from you such that it is an
unacceptable replacement?" There is no answer to this because the copy is
not different.

Those who don't want to kill the original even if there is a copy ask a
different question: "How is the original changed such that killing him is
acceptable?" There is no answer to this because the original is not

Neither side is asking a question that is answerable by the other side. We
are not asking the same question. We do not have the same goals. This may
be a philosophical trick or linguistic confusion, but I think it is
important. Given our predictions for the future, we will actually run into
this question at some point in the future. When we do, it will literally be
a life-or-death situation. People will be driven to fight for their
position as if they were literally fighting for their lives. This issue
must be addressed at some point. It would be horrible to waste all the
resources to develop an upload procedure that is later deemed unacceptable
by people. We need to address design requirements first.

That is why I keep jumping into the fray when this issue comes up. I am
fascinated by intelligent people whom I respect choosing radically different
positions that I would never allow. Choices by some people emulate the very
death of me-1 that I maintain as my primary goal. It is amazing that we
have opposing opinions about the acceptability of a certain procedure when
our goal is the same.

Harvey Newstrom <> <>

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