Re: Progress: What does it mean to you?

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Fri Jun 01 2001 - 22:04:18 MDT

Eliezer wrote:
>Anne Marie Tobias wrote:
>> You've already lived long enough to know the death of the infant
>> you knew yourself to be, the child you knew yourself to be, and
>> the adolescent you knew yourself to be. Do you waste even a
>> second mourning their passing???? [YES! -lc]
>Sure, because I'm worried that there's been actual information-loss
>(though I have hopes that the memories will be retrievable in fair
>fidelity after the Singularity). We actually lose bits of ourselves
>as we grow up, and this is not good. A transhuman with permanent
>storage would die much less over time, be more in touch with past
>selves. I mourn the nondeliberate lossage, not the deliberate progress.

Yes, this is true too, and only strengthens the argument. But
even here I sense the acceptance of an unnecessary trade off.
This commendable progress need not be purchased at the price
of other bits of ourselves.

Naturally, one must eventually make some trade offs, as one's
resources at any particular point are finite. But we needn't
continue to insist that progress must **always** be bought at
the price of "bits of ourselves", the way that some here
appear to be contending.


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