Re: Keep on Googlin'

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon May 28 2001 - 19:13:55 MDT

Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> J. R. Molloy wrote,
> > leads the way to a more complete assimilation of Net knowledge,
> > thus becoming the proto-cortex of Metaman, the transhuman
> > superorganism. --J.R.
> You are confusing the medium with the message. All those nifty webpages and
> postings you reference are being created by humans for humans. The fact
> that you go through Google to access them doesn't mean that Google is
> processing this knowledge.

Point well taken. What would be much more interesting would be
a Google plus full-text indexing plus semantic analysis of
contents plus programmable agents looking for specific types of
information interesting to various parties under very rich
constraints and sifting and recombining information. Different
pieces of these things exists now. They are not powerfully
combined. Yet.

- samantha

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