Re: here's a dog with an unbeatible will to live

From: John Marlow (
Date: Fri May 25 2001 - 02:24:03 MDT

Here's a dog who needs a new owner. A lousy medic and an appalling


On 24 May 2001, at 20:39, Doug Skrecky wrote:

> >From the May 24, 2001 edition of the Globe and Mail newspaper:
> Dog hit by mail truck claws way out of grave.
> Park Hills, Mo. A small black dog that was hit by a mail-delivery
> truck and presumed dead defied death twice - first by surviving
> the accident and then by digging itself out of a grave.
> Sprawled near a mailbox Monday, Sweetie seemed lifeless to
> owner Glenda Stevens. Futilely seeking a heartbeat, she assumed
> Sweetie was dead and dug a grave in which to bury her beloved
> pet. Hours later, she saw Sweetie's hind legs sticking out of the
> ground. The dog was digging itself out.
> Sweetie suffered a broken front leg and a broken jaw. AP

John Marlow

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