Re: Pascal's wager

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Fri May 11 2001 - 08:13:43 MDT

>From: Spike Jones <>

> > Zero Powers wrote: You might also point out that if you live a life of
> > "sin" you only have a 50% chance of going to hell...
>Zero, what church were you raised in? (Sounds like a fun one.)
>In mine, your probability of hell (P-sub-h) was durn near 1, should
>one stray from the straight and narrow. I was one of those
>suckers that stayed with the old S+N. Guess its never too
>late to have a misspent youth, tho.

Spike, I was raised fundie Christian. And as you know if you didn't tow the
line (repent, accept Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, etc., etc.)
your chances of eternal damnation were 100%. What I meant above was that
there is only a 50% chance (at best) that that theology is accurate.


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