POLITICS: RIAA & Law trumps Freedom of Speech

From: Robert J. Bradbury (bradbury@aeiveos.com)
Date: Fri Apr 27 2001 - 15:21:11 MDT

I cannot think of a darker day. Mark this one on your calendar
folks (April 26, 2001). Due to threats by the RIAA involving
lawsuits 'in theory' supported by the DMCA (digital millennium
copyright act), academics involved in the process of "invited"
attack on the SDMI (secure digital music initiative) are
effectively being "gagged" from presenting their results.

The text of the authors statement is here:
with further information here:
with the /. commentary here:

This is another example where an "activist"
extropian/transhumanist group could play a role.
A few dozen FreeNet servers "hosting" the papers by
the academic authors and a couple of thousand letters
to the RIAA saying why we are boycotting the purchase
of music CD's until the gestapo tactics cease would
be highly useful.


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