Re: PLUG: Extropian Music

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Mon Apr 23 2001 - 23:56:54 MDT

Mark Walker wrote

> > Emlyn
> > (here's the link again...
> > )
> >
> Great tunes! I think 'Alive' is my favourite on first listen through.

'Alive' really **is** extropian music. It's amazing that the
words "i WILL never die" could be so effectively put to music.
It'll probably be nominated as the Cryonics International
Anthem... ---ooops! Scratch that; bad acronym.

Also, the Australian accents are a bonus, making it sound
like something from The Road Warrior.  They should make a
music video of it, and get Mel Gibson to synch the words.

Lee Corbin

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