Re: spike's Body, a modern medical enigma

From: John Marlow (
Date: Wed Apr 18 2001 - 11:49:47 MDT

ZOWIE. And I'll bet he wasn't walking 320 miles through a blizzard,
either (like Mawson, who had no food much/most of the way).

Btw, turns out the book was reprinted last year: Mawson's Will,
previously This Accursed Land I believe.


On 18 Apr 2001, at 9:19, Michael Lorrey wrote:

> John Marlow wrote:
> >
> > I was thinking in particular of a guy named Mawson who went through
> > hell at the South Pole and lost something like half his body weight,
> > starting at something like 270 (been 15, 20 years since I read about
> > it) and very little of it fat. Now this is extreme, nuking the
> > calories to stave off cold and damned near starving to death. (His
> > dogs and supplies went down a crevasse, bye-bye, then his skinnier
> > partner went terminal croaked and he couldn't bring himself to leave
> > before he croaked or to eat him afterward.) Gets my vote as Toughest
> > SOB Ever To Walk The Earth.
> Its not difficult to loose weight in the Antarctic. My cousin lost 30
> lbs while eating a 9000 calorie a day diet for three months down there.
> Yes, I said nine thousand calories.

John Marlow

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