Re: WAS: Re: Economic (ignorance) Nativism and me

From: Emlyn (
Date: Mon Mar 26 2001 - 06:18:43 MST

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eugene Leitl" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: WAS: Re: Economic (ignorance) Nativism and me

> On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, Emlyn wrote:
> > I'm betting on bio & computer science to beat any of these; I think
> > biological and intensive computional methods will beat out so-called
> > intelligent design, to all the big stuff. Of course, these methods will
> There's no point in compartmentalizing the different areas of human
> enterprise, they're all one team.

Just trying to be illustrative. Using bits of many different fields is good,
of course. Does anyone actually manage to do this, without becoming a

> > extremely intelligently designed in themselves, and the direction of
> > in the process will be vital, up to the point where gaussians become
> > obsolete.
> Unfortunately, I've ceased to expect innovation from Comp. Sci. types.
> That field stagnates across the border, a real pity.
> > Much of my justification for this point of view is that we have a big
> > in the biotech area now, which doesn't look likely to abate soon. This
> > emerging field is necessarily computationally intensive; see this fluffy
> > article, which talks about the fact that biology is using the most
> > time at the moment of all the sciences:
> And they're only doing sequence yet. Very little structural work so far.

Lots of big fun to come...

> > Top quote from the article:
> > "If I were 21 years old, I probably wouldn't go into computing. The
> > computing industry is about to become boring. I'd go into genetic
> > engineering." - Larry Ellison
> I'd go into nanotechnology.

me too. Although it's all converging in the same direction eventually, yes?
Blue gene (etc etc) must go down as a forerunner, enabling technology for
what will be nanotech...

Say it to Larry - he might bet you a million dollars that "genetic
engineering" is better. If you are lucky.

> > Major computational resources, the smarts to use them, biotech
> > (cough*nanotech*cough) and a LOT of dollars will combine into something
> > which I think will beat the cognitive science approach to AI/IA/etc. We
> Are you talking about robust AI Minsky or Lenat style? That's pure snake
> oil they're peddling.

Slartibardfast offers to swap Arthur Dent's brain for an artificial one in
Hitchhikers'; the articificial brain was supposed to manage "yes", "no", and
"can I have a cup of tea?", if my long term memory serves. Sounds about in
the ballpark for handmade AI.

> > going to get the aeroplane before the bird. And, it sure as hell is not
> > going to be hand coded, although the systems that generate the systems
> > generate it may be, maybe.
> I agree very much. However, you'll observe that most of your peers don't
> (yet). So it will take a while still, unless some unknown hotshot whips up
> a killer demo, galvanizing the rest of them into frantic action.
> Meanwhile, I'm not holding my breath.

I have the sneaking suspicion that much is happening, and will continue to
happen, in the corporate world, behind closed (or at least only slightly
ajar) doors.


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