ATTN: Extropian Musicians --Website Up

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Fri Mar 23 2001 - 11:32:25 MST

Just a quick follow up to my message from Wednesday:

Yesterday I created an page for the purpose of the proposed
compilation album, titled _Extroversions_. Though the page (and album)
currently only holds one song, "Tumbolia," by my former band Neverness, I
will be adding more songs until three weeks before the conference. At that
time, I will order a certain amount of cds from to be used for
resale at a table at Extro-5. Again, all proceeds from both the site and
the E5 table will go to Extropy Institute. The site is currently available at: .

Thus far I have received a lot of interest from various extropian musicians
to contribute, but the more, the merrier.

For the rest of you, stay tuned to the above site (both before and after
Extro-5) to hear more new extropian music.


                                                        -E. Shaun Russell

E. Shaun Russell Operations Officer, Extropy Institute
        ~K i n e t i c i z e Y o u r P o t e n t i a l~

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