Re: META: Take the guns discussion elsewhere please

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Sat Mar 10 2001 - 22:43:03 MST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) >From: "Mikael Johansson" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: META: Take the guns discussion elsewhere please
>Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 01:04:59 +0100
>> >If my request is ignored, I will consider (with fair warning) taking more
>> >serious action. It will be applied to people on *every* side of these
>> >
>> That's all I have wanted all along; an end to the forced mutation of this
>list from a
>> truly extropian interchange venue to a progun propaganda site. From now
>on, I will
>> simply forward such propaganda, if and/or when it occurs, directly to you
>> appropriate action. And I have no problem with responsible, sane,
>noncriminal and
>> competent adults such as yourself buying, owning and possessing guns, as I
>Uh.... I dunno... Maybe it's just me, but doesn't Max read this list as
>well? Do you _really_ need to forward 'such propaganda' to him -- in
>addition to what's already sent on the list (and thus arrives to him to
>begin with)?
I just don't want it flying under his radar. There IS a lot of posting here, and probably a lot of skimming, as well.
>// Mikael Johansson

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