climes well populated by extropians...

From: John M Grigg (
Date: Sun Feb 25 2001 - 17:11:05 MST

Harvey Newstrom <> wrote:
> There used to be a discussion group in West Palm Beach. I never made
> it down there before it became defunct. There must be lots of
> Extropians in Florida. Just like in California, we are too smart to
> live in the frozen wastelands of the north. :-)

As an Alaskan I must say I am not amused by your comment! ;) The colder climes can allow for more time studying and reflecting. Or at least more time to ski and play snowshoe softball.

I have only found one other extro list member who lives in my state. But, he still happens to live a LONG way from where I do. Maybe we will meet in person someday.

Dave Sill wrote:
I'm in east Tennessee. I doubt there are many Extropians in Tennessee, but maybe Atlanta would be a good place for a southeast regional gathering

I nominate Eliezer for the Atlantatropians presidency. :) Greg Burch can give him pointers!

he continues:
I'd like to go to Extro 5--not much good sushi in TN--but it's a bad time for me. Maybe next time.

I am tired of saying, "maybe next time." I hope to make it this time around.

best wishes,


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