GUNS: Misrepresentation of Previous Messages (was Re: The recent election)

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Fri Feb 23 2001 - 11:13:35 MST

At 6:44am -0800 2/23/01, Brian D Williams wrote:
>From: "Joe Dees" <>
>>And George W. would have demanded the guns his father bought, and
>>then not shown up for the duel, and insisted that he had (kinda
>>like the national guard). And we all know who's snort snot would
>>be found on the barrels.
>I'm going to call the lists attention to this post.
>If all hell breaks loose again, remember who started it.
>As for Mr dees <PLONK>


You said you wanted to call attention to this post, so you got it.

In reviewing the actual posting from Joe Dees, I find that you have
misrepresented the history. Mike Lorrey actually introduced the
topic of guns. Joe Dees was responding to Mike's earlier message.

Joe's original message made it abundantly clear that he was
responding to a previous post. He quoted Mike Lorrey's words and
then gave his response. When you wanted to draw attention to Joe's
post, you quoted it out of context. You edited out Mike's earlier
words, left only Joe's words, and then claimed that Joe started it.

This simply did not happen the way you presented it. Your editing of
the previous post left out critical details that would have
contradicted your claim. Both your claim and your edited quotation
misrepresent the true sequence of events. Please be more careful in
the future.

At 6:18pm -0500 2/22/01, Michael Lorrey wrote:
> wrote:
>> Brian D Williams wrote:
>> > I'm curious as to what you saw that was unfair about the election.
>> An admission that a measurement has an error, and the realization that
>> a measurement without an error bar wouldn't survive even a trace of
>> peer scrutiny. That apart from the obvious cases of "candidate A won"
>> or "candidate B won" or "candidate C won" there's also "within the
>> error margins, we can't tell, so it's a tie", and a procedere for
>> resolving such. As flipping an unbiased coin, or a public duel,
>> or whatever.
>> Apart from that, anything with a "democracy" somewhere in it is supposed
>> to represent the meaning of majority of voters. Not representatives of
>> such, or some d'Hondtian games with numbers. Not to open the can of
>> worms of basis democracy vs. elitism...
>a) we're not a democracy, we are a republic
>b) we are not a democracy, we are a republic
>c) we are not a democracy, we are a republic
>Now, what did I miss?
>Oh, yeah, simple majorities here can't:
>change the constitution
>override a veto
>comdemn a man to death
>declare martial law
>change the law after the fact
>and, elect a president and vice president
>The Supreme Court satisfied the 'flipping the coin' part, by deciding
>that Gore cheated by trying to change the coin to a two headed one in
>mid-toss, so Bush won by default.
>Now, I wouldn't have minded much if they had duelled, tho I 'spect that
>Gore woulda demanded three people as seconds, bragged that he invented
>duelling and thus gets to decide the rules AFTER having walked ten
>paces, denied the referee had any controlling and legal authority,
>Tipper would have demanded that videos of the duel carry warning labels,
>Gore would have denied ever having smoked a barrel ('cept maybe once),
>and the press would have declared Gore the winner before a shot was

At 1:14am -0800 2/23/01, Joe Dees wrote:
> >The Supreme Court satisfied the 'flipping the coin' part, by deciding
>>that Gore cheated by trying to change the coin to a two headed one in
>>mid-toss, so Bush won by default.
>>Now, I wouldn't have minded much if they had duelled, tho I 'spect that
>>Gore woulda demanded three people as seconds, bragged that he invented
>>duelling and thus gets to decide the rules AFTER having walked ten
>>paces, denied the referee had any controlling and legal authority,
>>Tipper would have demanded that videos of the duel carry warning labels,
>>Gore would have denied ever having smoked a barrel ('cept maybe once),
>>and the press would have declared Gore the winner before a shot was
> >fired.
>And George W. would have demanded the guns his father bought, and
>then not shown up for the duel, and insisted that he had (kinda like
>the national guard). And we all know who's snort snot would be
>found on the barrels.
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Harvey Newstrom <>

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