re: How many telescopes can we have?

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Mon Feb 19 2001 - 18:43:12 MST

From: "Robert J. Bradbury" <>

>Well, if we assume that we dedicate all of the aluminium in
>the solar system (~6.6x10^23 kg) to reflective collecting
>area 600 nm thick [...]
> that gives you 4.1x10^26 m^2
>of collecting area. That equates to a disc with a diameter
>of ~150 AU (*way* outside Pluto's orbit)

Honestly, Robert !!

We leave you ALONE for _just a little while_, and you've
gone and DISMANTLED parts of our Solar System AGAIN.

WHEN will you learn to leave *us* something to play with?

Hmmm ??

BTW. Don't you think that you would need some sort of
adaptive optics to stabilize that mirror?
BTW^2. I've figured out what Spike needs to do to use CMEs
to supply power to California. He needs to send a power line
into the "ring current" portion of the Earth's magnetosphere.
_That's_ the place in our magnetosphere where the power from
the CMEs, that hit the Earth, is stored (but only for a short while).
I'll write about that when I can do so, in more detail.
Amara Graps                  email:
Computational Physics        vita:  finger
Multiplex Answers            URL:
"Sometimes I think I understand everything. Then I regain
consciousness."     --Ashleigh Brilliant

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