the Extro 5 has been announced!

From: John M Grigg (
Date: Sat Feb 17 2001 - 21:27:49 MST

Hello everyone,

I am so excited about the Extro 5 which has been announced formally. I had thought we would only be having a small retreat but now this!! And the theme of it sounds fascinating as well as very timely. My best wishes to the organizers who I'm sure will be very busy in the days leading up to it.

I said the last time that I would attend but did not. But, this time I REALLY plan to be there. I have worked out a budget by tucking a small amount of each paycheck until I have the full amount needed. I must stay the course to actually do it. I am so EXCITED at even the prospect of attending.

Could Extro 5 be connected to the net in real time with a high speed connection? I don't see why not. At the least we could use digital cameras but much better would be vidcams. I look forward to hearing more on this.

best wishes,


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