Re: META: List

From: John Marlow (
Date: Thu Feb 08 2001 - 00:12:23 MST

THIS is a transhumanist forum?
Well I'll be damned...


On 8 Feb 2001, at 1:00, Harvey Newstrom wrote:

> At 7:33 PM -0800 2/7/01, Olga Bourlin wrote:
> >Begging your pardon, but where does civility, compassion, intelligence and
> >reason fit into the extropian equation? One would think an extropian would
> >be intelligent enough not to have to indulge in stereotypes to convince
> >others you aren't anything like these poor "mediocre" humans, hmm?
> I've been wondering about that myself. This list seems to have
> degenerated into a bunch of juvenile stereotypes and insults about
> guns, gays, blacks, liberals, rednecks, and female body parts. It
> seems more like a junior high locker room or a 70's trailer trash
> sitcom rather than a transhumanist forum. Are we living for the
> future or living in the past? This kind of garbage is just plain
> embarrassing at best, and borderline racist or bigotry at worst. We
> need to grow up and start thinking like 21st centery adults, not 20th
> century adolescents.
> --
> Harvey Newstrom <>

John Marlow

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