Re: PDAs are searchable by cops, I expect. Re: Transparency, wasre: On January 28th, Criminals No Longer Another Face ...

From: raf (
Date: Mon Feb 05 2001 - 15:22:08 MST

Harvey Newstrom wrote:

> At 12:16 PM -0600 2/5/01, Ross Finlayson wrote:
> >I think as long as we don't commit any crimes, we don't have so much
> >to concern
> >us.
> This is not true. When I was 20, I used to teach computer seminars
> at my company's Ft. Lauderdale division every weekend for a while. I
> looked younger for my age. I was driving a Trans Am, wearing a suit,
> with a briefcase in the passenger seat, and kept under the speed
> limit driving down I-95 on weekends. I fit many of the profiling
> attributes of a young drug dealer. As such, I was stopped and
> searched on most trips. They would go through my checkbook, my
> briefcase, my cell-phone, everything. I tried giving them
> permission to search, I tried denying them permission to search, but
> nothing worked. You might think that they might learn to recognize
> me, but this made it even worse, when one of the cops would remember
> having stopped me on suspicion on previous occasions. I have even
> had guns drawn on me once when I said that I would not consent to a
> search. Being law abiding offers no protection from the police.
> --
> Harvey Newstrom <>

That sounds surprising, unless you were carrying drugs or contraband.


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