Re: Transparency, was re: On January 28th, Criminals No Longer Another Face in the TampaStadium Crowd

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Feb 03 2001 - 15:42:30 MST

"Michael M. Butler" wrote:
> Solution: full disclosure? "Officer, for quality purposes, I am
> recording this conversation. No, I can't turn it off, it doesn't work
> like that, sorry; the system is designed to roll non stop whenever my
> car is not parked in my garage. I wish I could help you. I need to be
> going now."
> As far as video recording (not audio) goes, the courts appear to have
> mostly ruled using the notion of "a reasonable expectation of privacy".

So how can any interaction with a "public servant" in their official
capacity be considered private?

- s

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