Re: true abundance?

From: John Marlow (
Date: Tue Jan 30 2001 - 20:24:49 MST

If a stat I read some time ago is accurate, there are more male
geniuses than female--and also (as all women know) more male morons
(term losely applied). Women tend to cluster near the average,
whereas me tend toward extremes (so to speak).


On 30 Jan 2001, at 12:25, KPJ wrote:

> |Michael Lorrey wrote:
> |>
> |> Heinlein claimed he was a female chauvinist. He insisted they were
> |> smarter than men.
> |
> |Yep. He was that rarest of all breeds, an honest man. :-)
> |
> |-s.
> In my experience, most men who claim that females have higher intelligence
> than males do that to make females feel he is a nice guy, a prerequisite
> for mating.
> Personally, I notice no greater difference in intelligence between the
> human sexes. There exists a number of behavioural differences, mainly due
> to social programming, but also from hormonal differences, and, finally,
> >from DNA differences. The social programming makes the greatest difference.

John Marlow

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