Re: Say what? was Re: true abundance?

From: John Marlow (
Date: Mon Jan 29 2001 - 12:51:22 MST

How about Kafka?


On 29 Jan 2001, at 6:06, Chuck Kuecker wrote:

> At 12:41 AM 1/29/01 -0800, you wrote:
> >True enough; plenty of bozo offenses are felonies these days--and
> >plenty of bozo offenders doing big time--but lifers include the
> >meanest, most vicious, etc. etc.
> And, in some cases, simply the poor mopes with the bad luck to get caught
> three times for the same petty crime - "Three strikes and you're out!",
> a'la California and others.
> It's starting to look like Victor Hugo could be reborn in the USA...
> Chuck Kuecker

John Marlow

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