Re: true abundance?

From: John Marlow (
Date: Sun Jan 28 2001 - 19:24:34 MST

> The ladies need not fear mistreatment in such an arrangement:
> as in the old west, even the most inferior examples of womanhood
> would be well protected from those who would do them harm.
> Now, perhaps the guys would kill each other over the few ladies
> available. Duelling would likely be common. spike

Man, you are OUT of your mind. The women would be sex slaves,
bartered and sold or rented out--or stolen. You're talking the worst
convicts around. Get real.


On 28 Jan 2001, at 15:59, Spike Jones wrote:
> > wrote:
> >
> > > some have speculated, "free basics" might come with some strings attached...
> Exactly.  Free basics in exchange for non-reproduction.  The
> free food would contain birth control medications.  Everyone
> wins: society could offer educational benefits, shelter, food, you
> name it, and even the conservative element would gain some
> enthusiasm.  The medications would be non-permanent, so that
> if the recipients get with it and row their own boat, then they
> can after a few months bear litters of pups.  What we still need
> is a medication that makes the men temporarily sterile.  Ive heard
> such a thing exists, dont know the details.
> Actually, when you think it over, we could remake prison colonies
> this way, for those who are serving life terms.  Delete the death
> penalty, create a prison colony where men and women can live
> together in a roach-motel kinda city, difference being everyone
> there is sterile.  Im sure the prisoners would opt for it in a second.
> The main hitch is that there are probably at least 20 to 1 men to women
> doing life.  That colony would be worse than the Silicon Valley.
> The ladies need not fear mistreatment in such an arrangement:
> as in the old west, even the most inferior examples of womanhood
> would be well protected from those who would do them harm.
> Now, perhaps the guys would kill each other over the few ladies
> available.  Duelling would likely be common.  spike
John Marlow

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