RE: Breaking News: World is 10 deg chillier

From: denis bider (
Date: Thu Jan 25 2001 - 09:34:19 MST

Michael Lorry:

> The fact is that there are proposals to seed the oceans
> with iron to stimulate plankton blooms which seems to
> be the most effective way to sequester the huge amounts
> of carbon that some claim we need to get rid of. Such
> proposals are being ignored by global warming proponents,
> so it seems to me that they really don't have an interest
> in solving the problem. Why then would they seek to continue
> harping on it without fixing it? Follow the money.

I'm not sure about this.

I would think - as a non-expert in these matters - that, if the green people
ignore the seeding-oceans-with-iron proposition, this might be for entirely
logical reasons. Their line of thinking might be like this: 'We hurt the
planet by doing things the consequences of which we do not fully understand.
Therefore, solving these issues by doing another thing we do not fully
understand is a bad idea, since it may very well turn out that we will do
even more damage.' If this is the way they are thinking, I would tend to
sympathise with them very much.

Croatians have an expression that fits in this situation - "Ne diraj lava
dok spava." [Don't poke a lion while it sleeps.] If we know that there is a
realistic possibility that we might cause an ice age, but we are not sure,
maybe we should refrain from tampering with the planet until we are sure we
aren't doing ourselves major damage.

I am no expert in climate issues though. Although I too generally have a
tendency to look for conspiracies, I am just trying to show that in this
case, there might not be a conspiracy after all.

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