Re: WEB:Frontpage love/hate

Date: Tue Jan 23 2001 - 12:57:38 MST

Emlyn wrote:

> knocking up front end html, it's very good. So if I need to make a page
> which needs to be very functional (using asp), and pretty, I'll start with

Isn't ASP Redmond-only? I carefully try to stay away from learning
any proprietary standards.

In fact I think a webmonkey list node would come very handy, as
my next job involved porting an existing ANSI C app to something which
lives in cgi-bin.

> pretty (frontpage for that, to produce a skeleton page), code up any library
> asp that needs doing, then put the two together.
> Handcoding is good for generating html in any server scripting language,
> good for doing the tricky/finicky stuff, but sorely unproductive for
> producing the pretty interface.

I dunno, doesn't function come first, looks later?

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