"Gorilla" Warfare--was Re: Sad textbooks. Bring on selfdebugging hypertext (where? where?)...

From: John Marlow (johnmarlow@gmx.net)
Date: Mon Jan 22 2001 - 19:36:59 MST

I remember seeing a piece-in Smithsonian or Atlantic Monthly, I
think, about such things and about student impressions and
misunderstandings. It was accompanied by an illustration of a gorilla
in a Revolutionary War outfit, captioned "Gorilla Warfare."

(Yes Damien; I know.)

I've seen it noted that in some school history texts, Marilyn Monroe
rates five to fifteen times more space than Einstein or Kennedy.

Incidentally, I did a search on Gorilla Warfare and came up with

 Gorilla Warfare is a primal game of explosive jungle combat. Every
player controls a team of four gorillas; armed with bulging muscles,
 bad tempers, and explosive Banana Grenades. The object? To be the
                   king of the jungle, of course.

Food for thought.

john marlow

On 22 Jan 2001, at 20:28, Technotranscendence wrote:
> On Sunday, January 14, 2001 4:37 PM Michael M. Butler butler@comp-lib.org
> wrote:
> > http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010114/us/textbook_errors_1.html
> No wonder Americans are so bad at geography!:)
> What I recommend is that anyone on this list who has kids in school actually
> look over the textbooks for errors.  If you find any, point them out to your
> child and the teacher.  Even go so far, if you have time, to point them out
> to the school board or whatever body controls the schools.  Also, a letter
> to the publisher might also go along way to rectifying the problem.
> No incentive to do all this?  Well, those scared of nanotechnology, just
> think what might happen if someone gets his or her figures out of a bad
> textbook.  Might not created gray goo, but just might.:)  Those afraid of
> AI, apply the same reasoning.:)
> Cheers!
> Daniel Ust
> http://uweb.superlink.net/neptune/
>     Film recommendation:  "The Color of Paradise."
John Marlow

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