Re: WheelChair.

From: zeb haradon (
Date: Fri Jan 19 2001 - 21:55:20 MST


>But Seriously....what with CPU power advancing by leaps and
> mean advancing a it possible now or soon to
>have a walking chair? Possibly controlled by a joystick.
>Such a contrivance wouldn't be much...but I think it'd be better than the
>current contraptions. Curbs, for example, wouldnt be an obstacle...
>Just a thought...

I guess you haven't been following the stories about "IT" - someone came up
with a "secret invention" which supposedly will change the world. Most
reports have it being a motorized scooter. But in most of the news stories
that talk about "IT", they mention that the inventor, Dean Kamen, previously
had invented a wheelchair that can walk up stairs. Here is a link,
exclusively about the wheelchair:

Zeb Haradon (
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