Re: Flat Rate Pricing

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu Jan 18 2001 - 12:33:32 MST

From: Brian Atkins <>
>Riiight, so that's why anyone who can afford it seems to be
>replacing their landlines with cell phones? The only two things I
>generally use my landlines for nowadays are receiving faxes and
>calling internationally (I get a slightly better rate). There are
>companies out there like LEAP Wireless that are selling cell
>service as landline replacement. I think it is a MYTH that
>consumers actually care that phone service is "5 nines".
>The reason it is held to that standard is not because of market
>demand, but rather because of government regulations.

Ask any phone company legal department, it's no MYTH.

I've used my cell phone maybe 5 times a year. Now my new palm VII,
that's another story!


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