Re: Extremism

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Tue Jan 16 2001 - 15:09:53 MST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) >From: "Jason Joel Thompson" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: Extremism
>Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 10:50:28 -0800
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Michael S. Lorrey" <>
>> I completely understand the list members stress related to this, and
>> nobody can say I have not tried to move this discussion to the
>> exi-freedom list repeatedly, which he has refused to do. I personally do
>> not consider shutting him down by identifying his lies, extremism, and
>> hypocrisies publicly to be spamming the list so long as the list is
>> willing to continue to tolerate his willfull lying, extremism and
>> hypocrisy. I have placed him back in the trashbin, so as long as the
>> rest of you are willing to tolerate and buy into his BS, you are welcome
>> to him.
>What you don't seem to understand, Michael, is that you are a part of the
>problem. Your continued insistence in accusing Mr. Joe Dees of being the
>sole source of the incessant gun blather is:
>a) Very hard to take seriously
>b) A primary source of the incessant gun blather.
>I might also note that you followed this post by no less than 6 posts in
>which you mention either GUNZ, Joe Dees... or both.
>...and I just wasted fifteen minutes of my morning thinking about this
>infernal subject.
In fact, Mikey thinks he has me under a microscope, when what he's really staring at is a mirror. His depth and breadth of psychological projection is astounding. Of course extremists accuse everyone who is not a cognitive clone of extremism. Of course they insist that any person with whom they disagree lies or is misinformed (their dupe/shill dichotomy, the extremist version of the madonna/whore syndrome). Of course they will do anything and everything, duplicitous and/or hypocritical or not, to further their precious cause, all the while accusing those whom they attack of duplicity and hypocricy. But it is no use explaining this to them. They are un-self-reflective and irony-proof.
> ::jason.joel.thompson::
> ::founder::
> ::wild.ghost.studios |

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