Re: First habitable-zone Earthlikes!

From: Srdjan Keca (
Date: Sat Jan 13 2001 - 04:10:23 MST

On Friday, January 12, 2001, 1:09:04 AM, Eliezer wrote:

> Let's all give a big cheer for the first habitable-zone Earth-sized
> planets detected! Double star CM Draconis, just 48 lightyears away!
> Sure, it's likely rather a fixer-upper, but we can probably terraform it!
> Launch the colonization ships!

Not really... But hold that thought!
Hans Deeg (Astrophysics Institute of Canaries), one of the researchers
to thank for this discovery (or whatever this may be), said that the
probability that they actually have detected those three planets is
There is some information here
(Got this through ASTRO list, so this reply is coming a bit late. I
just can't keep up with any other lists while reading Extropians :)

> Sigh... sometimes I miss the days when I could have said that with a
> straight face.

Not me. Guess I'm just too young to remember those days...

> The odd thing is that I still got a thrill when I heard
> the news.

Again, and sadly, not me. I got used to these "discoveries".

> Well, if industry goes on the negative/positive paired matter
> plan - so that civilization isn't hurting for mass - we can leave the
> stars in the sky, and the planets in their orbits, and someday there might
> even be fleshers on the surface. Though 48 physical years after the
> Singularity is such an unthinkable amount of time...

FTL travel?

(joining in after a month of trying to read everything here)

"the shapes of things are dumb."
l. wittgenstein

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